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How to teach an investigation - Step One

Measuring the drop height
I  am lucky enough to be working with a group of 11 and 12 year old students for a couple of hours per day over a couple of weeks. I have been tasked with extending their learning. The ultimate goal is to improving their performance on NAPLAN tests later in the year.

How to manage behaviour - Anticipate Compliance

Generally most students want to behave and very few really want the tension of getting into trouble. So if you give instructions, anticipate that the student will comply and act as if this is the case.

A Resource worth Checking.

I generally only do relief in the older classes but I am doing two x 3-day gigs in a small multi-age country school in a few weeks time. So I was looking for reading resource to use while there.

That's when I found this series called Tim the Tree Limb.

Have a vote in the Poll

What is the major concern for Relief Teachers in our schools? Take a vote in our poll. Click one or many of the options. Check under the Signature Stickers logo.

eNews Issue #5

Would you like to check out our regular eNews. CLICK HERE. Join up to receive the free 50 page eBook 50 Ways and receive the Tips eNews free each week.

Reading Comprehension

Developing Reading comprehension skills is about depth. Little is achieved if the kids are just reading or saying words. You need them to think. This is a little reading comprehension activity which is quite an easy read - but quite complex when it comes to inferential thinking. It is suited to middle to upper primary. CLICK HERE

One Complete Day of Relief.

This is one complete day of relief teaching including lesson plans, notes, access to files, Powerpoints and tips for the day. CLICK HERE

NAPLAN for Relief Teachers

There are few teachers who would hold NAPLAN in high regard - but it is a necessary systemic imperative. This is a small one-page pretest that could be used as a teaching tool.

How to Teach - Number Facts

This is a speed template for number facts. Students complete self timed number facts progressing from an easy 5 seconds per sum to a blistering 1 seconds per sum.

Qld College of Teachers - Workshops Term 2, 2012

During Term 2, 2012 the QCT will visit major centres in Queensland conducting workshops and information sessions about teacher registration requirements. 

Free Lesson - Punctuation

This is a simple PowerPoint punctuation lesson. The class is presented with a punctuation passage. When students have finished, the correction is presented.

Product REVIEW - Signature Stickers

I came upon a new product I had not seen before by a new Australian company called Signature Stickers. I actually came upon this by accident because my wife, who is currently a principal, wanted something quick and easy to put on kid's work but also sent them a message. So she founded Signature Stickers to hit the spot.

Teaching Tips - 10 Ways to use a Newspaper in the Classroom

Can you get any cheaper teaching resources than newspapers? OK - shopping catalogues might be cheaper.

Most schools have newspapers piled up somewhere, and they are great classroom resources.

Try these free teaching activities but remember that most of these activities will be extremely messy and generate a lot of waste.

Review - Making Math Fun Series

I have made my thoughts on worksheets pretty clear. Worksheets are your tools. I was a bit sceptical when I looked at the Making Math Fun series. The last thing I need as a relief teacher is a time-waster.

But I was pleasantly surprised. They are great! So much so that I bought the series for myself.

Top Math/Language worksheet

This is a great worksheet (even if I do say so myself). It is based on a word search grid. The only difference is, to find which words are in the grid, students must do a math operation.

The Complete Guide on How to Teach Abroad

A Learning Investigation into Probability

An introduction to probability. A multi-media PowerPoint. Click the image for the file. (NB It is quite a large file so make a cup of coffee while it downloads)

How to Develop Cooperative Learning Skills

There are some strategies that support cooperative learning. If you are new to this game, take baby steps first.

How to make learning more rewarding.

Check this out
I know the old argument about intrinsic worth of education, and kids should not work just for rewards – Blah! Blah! Blah!

But honestly, would you work if you didn’t get paid?

How do I stop a fight in the playground?

The truth of the matter is that sometimes you can't. A fight can still happen within metres of a teacher.

6 Top Teacher Sites

I have been looking around for sites that I can use for inspiration. I reckon these are pretty useful. Thanks to sitesforteachers.com