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Hot Tips for Relief Teaching

Teaching is tough

Lets face it! 

Whether you are teaching in the classroom full time or you are relief teaching now and then, teaching is tough.

But there are a couple of teaching tips to help make your role as a teacher just a little bit easier. If you are relief teaching, these teaching tips will put you in the "I am value adding to your day" league.

Kids generally respond to their classroom teacher because they know that they have their best interest at heart.

When you are relief teaching you are just "filling in" so kids generally respond to you differently.

You need to convince the kids that you mean business.

You might be relief teaching but needs to show that you are going to add value to their day.

Applying these teaching tips might just make your day easier.

 Hot Teaching Tip # 1

Keep your daily teaching plan in front of the kids at all times.

This will show the kids that you are organised and that you mean business.
Hot Teaching Tips for Relief Teaching - Tip 1

When relief teaching, I keep my daily plan on PowerPoint.

It contains hyperlink to all the lessons I will be using during my relief teaching day.

While I am teaching, I can click on the next lesson which sits behind this template

The beauty of this is I am ready ready for my next teaching day - simply change the class name on top.

Hot Teaching Tip # 2

Teaching while walking the classroom.

This is one of my teaching tips that show you really mean business.If you are teaching from your desk you are doing your kids a great disservice.

Walking the classroom enables you to stand beside the recalcitrant students, offer support to students who need it and bring the focus back on target when necessary.

 Hot Tip # 3

Only accept a high standard of work.

Students will produce work to the standard you accept.

Early in your first day with your class, set the standard of work you will accept by asking, "Is that the best work you can produce?"

If the answer is "No", then respond with, "Well, if it's not good enough for you, then it's not good enough for me. How about you have another go and show your classmates AND ME your best work."

If the answer is "Yes", respond with, "Let me help you improve. Use a sharper pencil, write more clearly, use a ruler for your lines ..." as appropriate

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