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Relief Teaching and Word Games

Relief Teaching pay is good. But you can't go and purchase hundreds of resources for your job.

I am very selective about where I spend my money. Some would call my a tight-wad (or worse).

Fishing gear - YES.
Relief teaching resources - NO.

Mind you, when relief teaching, unlike classroom teachers, you DO have the opportunity to use the same resource over and over again in the same calendar year, sometimes the same week.

But sometimes, every now and then, you come across a resource that is bloody good. (Excuse the french) and your hand just dives into your wallet.

A new relief teaching friend of mine, Dianne Bates, sent me a copy of her book "Word Games".

Relief Teaching - Word Games by Dianne Bates

I read this book much like I read a novel. I couldn't put it down. I envisaged using each of these learning activities in my next relief teaching gig. 

In fact I am dying to try them; such is my enthusiasm for the activities in this book.

The book is PERFECT for all teachers but especially relief teachers who always need purposeful activities for a wide range of classes.

Di calls the book " a handy reference with a whole year's work of short, snappy ideas to help build writing skills and generating enthusiasm for writing in your classroom."

For relief teaching, these activities could form the basis of many language lessons from year 4 and up.

These are not time-fillers, which, regrettably are often handed out at relief teaching gigs. 

These activities are geared for creative think and exploring writing as a skill.

I'm not on commission (regretfully) but I do have an autographed copy which will now take it's place in my relief teaching bag and I reckon you will find a place in yours as well.

I reckon you should check it out HERE.

Di also has a range of reading books for years 2 to 8 called the Bush Ranger series. These are "full of Australian tall tale humour with lots of jokes and wordplay" I haven't bought these yet, but I am placing my order after my next relief teaching gig.

With titles like Basil Bop the Burper and Desert Dan the Dunny Man, I reckon kids would be jumping out of their skins with excitement.


Carolyne Thornton said...

Thanks for the tip, I think I will order that one!

Bob Brandis said...

Good choice Carolyne. I also have another one of Di's book called How to Self Edit. It is much, much more than self editing and has great strategies for improving writing - for kids and adults.