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Managing Attention Disorders

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Attention and self-regulation are the key to a student’s success at learning, but the lack of these skills are an increasing problem in our multitasking society.

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A DVD - Walking with Dinosaurs will be given to the person who

  • Downloads the free eBook 50 Ways and becomes an eNews Subscriber and
  • Who makes the MOST comments on this website.
Prize will be awarded June 30, 11:59pm

Go For It.

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What dinosaurs?

Walking with Dinosaurs

I have to say I LOVE the teaching opportunities that this series offers.

Kids LOVE it and it makes for a productive relief teaching activity where effective learning occurs AND the kids are totally engaged.

Did you read the last section? KIDS ARE TOTALLY ENGAGED - even the turkeys! Hoo-rah!

Motivating Students who Don't Care?

It is crying shame that this is such a common problem, especially for relief teachers?

K - 3 website

I'm not good with little kids. They scare me!

Don't get me wrong, I taught all grades in my one teacher school for 6 years. I taught my own kids too. I just prefer older kids.

Can you do Relief Teaching if you are OLD?

If you are just preparing to enter the ranks of professional teaching and you are not a recent college graduate, its easy to feel a bit insecure and ask that question, "Can you teach if you are old?"

Its a fair question even if you are not so far along in life that you consider yourself to be "old".  But it is easy to feel old if you are a middle aged or senior adult among 20 year old students in teachers' college and if the competition for the teaching jobs are with kids who could be your own son or daughter.


This is about YOU!

This has nothing to do with teaching. This is about YOU!

I am a READER. I love reading - and I think all teachers should. It's a bit of ME time. I came across this book which I couldn't put down.

And you know how much? Under $3.

A comment received and appreciated.

Hi Bob - Small world story - I was chatting with a relief teacher in my staff room the other day. We made comment on how tough relief work can be. She agreed but then quickly stated that things had changed for her since she found reliefteaching.com, she then proceeded to fill me in on this terrific one stop shop! I waited for her to finish then let her know that I knew the 'founder' of the site - well my credibility grew right there! You have become a relief legend. I have placed your site address up on our notice board. Well done!

What to do when it goes PEAR SHAPED.

Relief Teaching isn't easy. In fact teaching isn't easy. I've been a teacher since 1972 and I've laughed off the jokes from my mates about holidays, pay, kids, working 9-3. I'm sure you have heard it all before.

But a teacher's day or a relief teacher's day is CONSTANT. You have no let up the minute you drive in the gate until the time you drive out - and not always THEN.

I get it. All teachers get it. That's probably why teachers are one of the few professions that talk work out side of work, because you never have the chance AT work.

And then you have THOSE days where it all goes pear shaped. So what do you do?


How many ways can you teach number facts?

Anyone who teaches will know how important number facts are to success in mathematics. Gosh, all I can remember about my own primary school years is reciting my "tables" - and you know what? I think I am a pretty good mathematician as a result.

12 Killer Activities

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12 Killer Learning Activities for Kids of all Ages.
Activities and Teaching Hints all for $1.99
CLICK HERE to check out a sample page.

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Teaching Tips to Motivate Students

Motivating Students Who Don't Care is a comprehensive and practical guide for reconnecting with discouraged students and reawakening their excitement and enthusiasm for learning.

Don't Relief Teacher's know this problem? Solving it is a lot harder but this resource will help.

Teaching Simply is a thought provoking game plan to ensure successful teaching in the classroom. The delivery of the message is put forth in ten easy steps, which are woven through a tapestry of humor and poignant accounts of effective classroom implementation.
Review: I have been teaching for years, but this book has reminded me of why I began. It is written in a funny yet heart warming tone. Highly recommend it. (Sarah Stevens)
Download it to your kindle, iphone, or ipad today for less than $1.

It's not really a game.

Relief Teaching Teaching Tips - Leap You boardA thousand years ago (well it feels like that)  learning centres were all the rage in schools and then like all things education, the pendulum swung away from this classroom approach. We used various activities and kids rotated through them. They WEREN'T GAMES.

So I revisited this teaching approach the other day while relief teaching in a senior primary class and used just ONE activity to see how it would pan out.


It was brilliant. Kids were focussed, engaged with each other AND the strategy of the activity. (I avoided calling it a game - because we don't play games in school) It actually blew me away how successful this activity was.

Worth Reading.

I have to share this comment I received from Alan Boddy. Thanks Alan for your kind comments.

At the end of his message, he also shares a tip about a UK website. I did check this website out and they produce great PowerPoints just for Maths. They would be an asset for any relief teacher and they are suitable for all ages.

Relief Teaching eBooks

I am scouring the eBook market for material suitable for relief teaching. I know ReadyEd publications have heaps, and they are well worth checking out.

I have added a few to my marketplace which are very reasonably priced and ready for immediate download.

Like all things relief teaching - if you love it - they will

I was doing a relief teaching stint working with a year 7 class yesterday and my timing must have been a bit out because I had about 15 minutes left before the morning tea break.