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Comparison of Relief Teacher Pay Rates in Australia

This table is current as at January 2012 and shows the daily rates for casual and relief teachers across Australia.

Hot Tips for Relief Teaching

Teaching is tough

Lets face it! 

Whether you are teaching in the classroom full time or you are relief teaching now and then, teaching is tough.

But there are a couple of teaching tips to help make your role as a teacher just a little bit easier. If you are relief teaching, these teaching tips will put you in the "I am value adding to your day" league.

Teaching - Chunking

Teaching Strategies for Mathematics.


Depending on your age the teaching strategies used in math when you went to school would have varied from learning the written algorithm or doing mental math calculations.

Place Value - A Perfect Math Lesson

Place value is one of those important concepts in mathematics. Teachers (and when you are relief teaching) simply can't afford to get this math skill wrong.

Place value is essential to success in mathematics. 

Relief Teaching - My Bag of Tricks

My Relief Teaching Bag of Tricks

I arrive at a school fully prepared for anything and everything with my  Relief Teaching Bag of Tricks is essential.

Quotation Marks

Punctuation Marks - Quotation Marks

Relief Teaching - Punctuation - Quotation Marks

When I was a kid (oh good grief - did I just say that?), punctuation was a regular feature of my day.

Teaching Strategies using Cool Math Games

3 Key Relief Teaching Strategies

Teaching Strategies that Keep Kids Focused

When relief teaching it is very important, even essential to use teaching strategies that focus on

  • Setting the Learning Agenda 
  • Focus Kids on Outcomes 
  • Promote Success

Are we failing to teach kids science?

I doubt that the results would be any different in Australia, but in a US study released yesterday, elementary, middle, and high school students failed to demonstrate a deep understanding of science concepts when they performed activity-based science tasks and investigations.

Relief Teaching and Word Games

Relief Teaching pay is good. But you can't go and purchase hundreds of resources for your job.

I am very selective about where I spend my money. Some would call my a tight-wad (or worse).

Fishing gear - YES.
Relief teaching resources - NO.

Relief Teaching & the Curriculum

Relief Teaching and the Curriculum

Honestly, how on earth can relief teachers know the curriculum for every year level?

Simple answer is you can't.

However it is vitally important that relief teachers have an GENERAL understanding of what each year should know. 

This way they can cover activities relevant to the skill level of each year level.

Relief Teaching and QCT Requirements

All fully registered teachers who have recency of practice, regardless of their employment situation, will need to meet continuing professional development (CPD) and ‘suitability to teach’ requirements in order to renew their registration.

Relief Teaching and QCT Registration

The Qld College of Teachers (QCT) has an expectation that relief teachers will participate in Continued Professional Development (CPD) to maintain their teacher registration.

Your can find the full details in the Article Bank (No 33) but essentially Queensland relief teachers are required to participate in CPD at the minimum following rate.

Under 40 days relief teaching per year - NIL
40 - 79 days relief teaching per year - 10 hours of CPD
80 - 119 days relief teaching per year - 15 hours of CPD
120 - 159 days relief teaching  per year - 20 hours of CPD
160 - 199 days relief teaching per year - 25 hours of CPD
200 days or more - 30 hours of CPD

You can include time spent on reliefteaching.com reading and researching in your CPD portfolio.

See Article 33 in the Article Bank for full details.

Relief Teaching in 3 Easy Steps

Could Relief Teaching get any easier?

This is a model I have used over and over to keep kids of all ages totally engaged during my relief teaching gigs in various schools.

Check it out.

Students Evaluating the Relief Teacher.

I'm not sure about this one.

I NEVER HAVE, and I probably NEVER WILL, have students evaluate relief teachers (include me as a relief teacher) but this is a thought provoking concept.

Relief Teaching and 10 Key Professional Behaviours

New to the Article Bank. Every teacher and relief teacher should read (and practice) these 10 Key Behaviours.

No: 32 Relief Teaching and 10 Key Professional Behaviours

Relief Teaching and Professional Development

I have a confession.

As a principal, a good relief teacher was someone who turned up on time, turned up on playground duty without being chased and did not send kids to the office and hence me.

Relief Teaching on You Tube

Check out reliefteaching.com YouTube videos. I would love to know what you think so I can improve these productions.

Relief Teaching and Managing Behaviour

Ten of the top articles dealing with Relief Teaching and Managing Behaviour.

Free to all Members. Check the Member's Only Resource Page link sent to all Members.

$0.99 for all visitors.

Why Construction suits Relief Teaching.

This is a great lesson to help kids master the intricacies of construction. It is manual rather than an academic activity so it caters for all learners.

This is great for relief teachers as quite often a relief teacher may not know kid’s abilities when they arrive.

Addition Left to Right

When I am relief teaching, I love mental math activities as an activity that engages the whole class.

I am amazed at how kids, even the turkeys, respond to mental math challenges and this one is up there with the best.

It is the skill of adding numbers from left to right and kids love to take on this challenge as the problems becoming more and more complex.

There is an excellent opportunity to scaffold the less capable learners. They can do a written form of the mental activity until they develop the mental skills themselves.

Check out Article No: 30 - Addition from Left to Right

Reading Comprehension.

Relief Teaching - Reading ComprehensionThere is nothing like a well designed reading comprehension passage to create active engagement. When I am relief teaching active engagement is my single most important goal.

PLUS putting together a good exercise take heaps of YOUR time - you want kids to spend 10x the effort you put into the activity.

Attention Disorders - A Case Study

This is a true story of success. In this six-week project middle school children diagnosed with ADD and ADHD and receiving special education services enjoyed the same success, if not more than, the other students.

Even the most absorbing tool, the TV, was not high on these students’ list of significant work. As a teacher, I felt I had been given a great gift of learning about how to support these special students. I encourage you to try it!

Check out Article 29.

Relief Teaching Resources

The Relief Teachers' Survival Handbook is a series of three titles.

The series is written for the teacher who needs an emergency lesson and for the relief teacher who has been asked to cover for an absent regular teacher. 

As a relief teacher, there may be occasions where work is not set for the entire day, and teachers may be expected to fill these times with their own lessons. 

This titles in this series cover every learning area, and though the lessons require minimal preparation, they are educationally meaningful, and can be adapted to suit particular lesson goals and abilities. 

See a sample page HERE

At ONLY $14.95 as an eBook instant download ($34.95 as a hard copy) it represents great value

Check Ready-Ed Publications for all your Relief Teaching resources.