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10 HOT TIPS that make a GREAT teacher.

In my 32 years as a principal I have seen some great teachers and they have ten things in common.

Great teachers have an unrelenting attitude towards kids achieving results. Notice the word “unrelenting”. That’s the same message that kids get. They are pretty astute. They know whether you are there to fill in the day or value add to theirs. If it’s the latter, you will have fewer problems with the kids.
Great teachers build on relationships. Relationships is education’s equivalent of the Real Estate “position, position, position” catchcry. Great teachers have empathy with and understanding of student needs.

Great teachers are organised. Casual and relief teachers must have a day set out, even if there are interruptions. Show the students your program. Students usually work when teachers do as well.

Great teachers are great sharers. Sharing and receiving of good ideas if what keeps schools and education dynamic.

Great teachers are firm but flexible. Surprisingly, great teachers seldom need to raise their voice because students know that a great teacher’s prime purpose is the valued add. Don’t get me wrong, a school day is seldom without drama, but a great teacher uses authority to bring order rather than aggression.

Great teachers give clear unambiguous directions. Remember the KISS principle.

Great teachers have high expectations. This goes for work, compliance, standards. Students will rise (or fall) to the standards set by the teacher.

Great teachers engage students in learning.

Great teachers know that positives outperform punishment. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Great teachers are focussed. Makes what is most important, most important. Great teachers aren’t distracted from their single goal – whatever the goal at the time is.