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Another 10 Ways to Use a Shopping Catalogue

Following on from this site's MOST POPULAR POST.

Shopping catalogues are fabulous resources for relief teachers because they are free, easily available and provide inspiration for a range of lessons.

It is easier for the activity if the students all have the same catalogue from which to work. If catalogues are not at the entrance, I ask at the service counter of the grocery shop if I can grab 30 or so. The shop assistant looks at me like I must have escaped from a mental institution, but she normally hands them over.

1. Purchase 2 items that you think belong together. Purchase another 2 until you have 10 pairs. Now glue them in your sheet so that the total of the two items are in ascending order.

2. From the grocery catalogue, cut out 40 individual items. Now make these items into four groups, giving each group a name. Explain to your partner why you grouped these items and why each item belongs in that group.

3. Cut out 30 items. Tag each item with ONE NAME. Eg a box of Kleenex might be called tissues. Arrange the items in REVERSE alphabetical order.

4. Cut out any five items. Glue these items onto a sheet and under each item write down five separate words for each item. Circle and link words of similar meaning.

5. Cut out 5 items that are sold by volume. Cut out another 5 items that are sold by weight. Cut out another 5 items that are sold by quantity. Place each list in ascending order using the UNIT cost as a measure. Eg 2 x 1.5 litres of Come sell at $6.00. That works out to $2.00 per litre.

6. You are going to have a dinner for 5 friends. Use the catalogue to purchase all the items you need for the meal. Include everything - even what you are going to use to wash the dishes. You may need to purchase larger quantities than you need. How much is this all going to cost.

7. Each student has their own catalogue. Cut out all the items on the right hand page. Separate into food and non food items. Glue these on separate sheets and add the total. If every child has the same catalogue, the totals should be the same. Students could work in pairs or small groups for this activity. 

8. Same activity as above but separate into SOMETIMES FOODS and EVRYDAY FOODS.

9. Purchase 5 items (You can vary the number) that are on SALE. How much money did you save? 

10. Cut out 10 LIQUID items. What is the total volume of all the items? You can do the same thing with weight and quantity.