Hi! You are VISITOR number

HOT TIP - So, the teacher HAS left a program.

     I know most teachers HATE leaving work programs for relief teachers.  Quite often the work left includes TIME FILLERS. (I wouldn't leave my best lessons for someone else to teach)

     My experience is that problems occur during long bouts of time fillers. Kids tend to get restless and it is often hard for most relief teachers to bring them back to task. 
     Kids are pretty astute these days and can smell a time filler from 100 metres. 
     So if you arrive and there is a daily program left by the teacher, scan it for purposeful work. You need to make the call whether the work left is important work and how to incorporate that work into YOUR plan. Leave your plan for the teacher. CLICK HERE if you would like a sample template.
     I make it perfectly clear at the schools I visit that I need NO work left by the teacher and they are perfectly happy with that.


Chantal said...

It's fantastic to know that if you're sick, you don't have to worry about leaving a plan!

salm said...
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