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Power Writing for Relief Teachers

Heads Down and Power Writing
Power Writing is a comprehensive teaching opportunity and a great strategy to keep in your relief teaching arsenal.

I like it because it takes the pressure off you and places it onto the kids. You are just the flag waver. I start my relief teaching day like a bull at a gate so I keep this for after lunch time when my energies are lower. (Hey, I miss my Poppy nap when I work!)

I used this strategy today with a class of year 6 & 7 students. I built some handy resources to support this activity and I am including these in my new eBook Relief Day 2. I am also including a well mapped out strategy to get this off the ground..

I took this group of kids in the computer room, which is not really conducive to good writing spaces but the kids really responded well.

In essence, you fire the kids up and get them to write uninterrupted and quickly in spurts. I find 3 minutes spurts sufficient.

In Relief Daze 2, I will explain this in depth so keep an eye open for it to be released on April 1.