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Teaching is just like Golf...

Ahh! Golf. Just when you think you have it mastered, you slice one into the rough. Teaching can be JUST like that.

I was teaching a class recently and I thought the lesson was going well. Kids seemed to be on task and most seemed to be getting it. All of a sudden, one of the kids in the class ran from the room crying because something hadn't gone her way and she didn't want me to find out.

Ok - time to look at ME using helicopter view.

Obviously, I was racing ahead far too fast and looking for kids who could rather than kids who couldn't.

Obviously, I hadn't made it encouraging enough for kids to ask for help.

Obviously the classroom environment wasn't warm enough for someone to put up their hand and say, "I don't get it."

I had to accept the responsibility that this happened because of my actions.

No matter how good a teacher you think you are, you are NEVER too good that you shouldn't view your actions through the eyes of others.