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How Relief Teachers get access to Learning Place

The Learning Place is available to employees of the Department of Education and Training (DET) but is not meant to provide services to the teaching profession in general.

Access to Learning Place is managed by the Department’s Identity Management System (IMS).

Membership of the Learning Place is available to the following user groups:
a. Education Queensland staff and students and Department of Education corporate staff. Teachers registered in the payroll system are provisioned with access to the Learning Place.
b. Department contractors (including supply teachers on extended contracts)
c. Staff and students of Queensland non-state school institutions and the education faculties of Queensland Universities via the Learning Place Affiliates program (fee for service).

Schools employing relief teachers can provide access to the Learning Place through iRegister, managing activation and deactivation where required.

This can be an issue where relief teachers do not maintain a consistent relationship with one school or location and this is currently being investigated by the Department.

Contact a school with whom you have a relationship and request that they manage your access via an iRegister account.