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Relief Teachers & Reading

I LOVE reading and now I have enough time to read. However, after a long, LONG career I find it hard to sit still for any length of time -unless I am taking a Poppy nap.

AND I am such a cheap-skate I hate paying a fortune for books. So I explored eBooks and love them - especially the free ones. But then I found this place - audible.com AND then fell in LOVE with audio books.

OK - I know I am a cheap-skate. I took full advantage of the free offers (and still do) but I now download the books to my iPad and listen to them ALL the time - in the car, while I'm surfing the web, writing blogs.

Beats TV hands down.

Give the free downloads a go - and then if you find it's not for you - well, you've lost nothing.

Try Audible Now and Get A FREE Audiobook!